LattePanda Portable Music Studio

This is a portable music studio powered by LattePanda 3 Delta and made by our community member Craig Hissett. He is a software developer for an education provider based in the North East of England. Outside of the office I am also a musician.
"Covid-19 was the main driving force behind this project. Lockdowns closed music venues and recording studios across the UK, forcing musicians to perform or produce new music from home or in open locations. I record music not just for my own band, but also session work for several other bands. In order to be able to record from home or on location I wanted to create a portable setup that acted as a ‘studio in a box’. This box had to let me quickly set up to record a number of mics, be simple to work with, and make it easy to transfer the recorded results to another computer for editing."
For more about this project and how to make it, please CLICK HERE.