EVENT - Show LattePanda on social media to win SN850X 2T SSD, display, case, etc.

Show LattePanda on Social Media Event




1. Post photos or videos showcasing your LattePanda project or application on social media: Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, or Reddit.


2. Add a project intro and use #ShowLattePanda. Tag LattePanda’s official account to ensure your entry is seen (FB: LattePandacn; TW: LattePandaCN; INS: lattepanda_cn; For Reddit, you can add “Show LattePanda” in the subject or send the post link to


3. Amplify your reach:)



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1. Popularity Prize (1 Winner): 2TB WD_BLACK SSD + LattePanda souvenir pack

(The entry that sparks the most shares, likes, and comments.)


2. First Prize (1 Winner): The latest 11.6'' eDP Touch Display + LattePanda Souvenir Pack

 (The dispaly is compatible with LattePanda 3 Delta and Sigma)


3. Second Prize (2 Winners): LattePanda Case of Choice + LattePanda Souvenir Pack


4. Third Prize (10 Winners): $20 Amazon/DFRobot Vouchers





Event Time: Dec 19, 2023 - Feb 19, 2024

Prize Announcement: Feb 29, 2024



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*The first, second, and third prizes are determined by the LattePanda team, taking into account factors such as:


   File:Star icon stylized.svg - Wikimedia Commons The project's completeness (including the construction process, components or accessories used, and the project's overall effectiveness; as a general rule, projects that are more comprehensive have a higher likelihood of receiving our awards);

   File:Star icon stylized.svg - Wikimedia Commons Creativity (projects with innovative content or an interesting development process);

   File:Star icon stylized.svg - Wikimedia Commons Difficulty (projects that are relatively complex or challenging; showcasing your professional skills within the project will also earn bonus points);

   File:Star icon stylized.svg - Wikimedia Commons As well as the quality and popularity of the project post.