Cannot boot/power up

userHead kobrrage 2016-11-28 08:45:27 2201 Views1 Replies
When I power up, I get a message

"Battery Charge Level = 0%. Below critical level(4%). Cannot power up. Leave charger connected."

I am not using a battery. I do have the Auto Start on Power BIOS. I did try to reflash bios. I have not tried to power through the CN2 but I have never had a power issue with my supply. Somehow it "thinks" its a smartphone or tablet with a battery pack installed where there is no battery. Even with the power "charger/supply" connected, it does not register and defaults to the "your battery is dead" thing.

Essentially the LP is a brick without being a brick because it does power up and gives the battery message. It does not power down once it gives the message so it does stay "powered on" but it is stuck at that message.

Battery Charge Level = 0%. Below critical level(4%). Cannot power up. Leave charger connected.