LED Blink not working after 2nd or 3rd restart of Win10.

userHead KH 2018-07-06 23:27:43 1351 Views0 Replies

We need some helps.
We had brought a few LattePanda 4G/64GB with Win 10 IOT for a project.
We are still in development stage but encountered problem when we tried to used the "BlinkYr Board" for the LED blink.
The "BlinkYr Board" is working fine but later we found out after 2nd or 3rd restart, it will not blink any more....
1st time restart, Execute the blink board program, the LED would blink.
2nd time restart, Execute the blink board program, the LED no more blinkling.

Latest finding, it seem to "clash" with my Barcode device ( using com 5).
At the device manage, there is com1, com3(Arudino) and com5( barcode device).
If after 2nd time restart, the LED cannot blink, disabled the com 5 will make the LED blink again.
If seem there are some conflict on the Arudino and barcode device com port, although they are not using the same com port number.
Are there any possible way to resolve this issues? Pls advice. Thanks.