Lattepanda 2G/32GB is now useless

userHead zacktim 2019-03-18 06:43:25 1056 Views1 Replies
I need help please, my lattepanda was working for a week them windows starts to reboot itself once it started after 5 seconds of landing in the OS. Here is the summary of what I tried until now.

1/ I used the Reset option by keeping my files.
Result: Didn't work out, I got a C:/windows/system32/config/systemprofile/Desktop not available.
I noticed Windows Installation drive changed to X: instead of C:
2/ I tried Reset, remove everything
Result: There was a problem resetting your pc...
3/ Now, every time I try to use the other options of troubleshooting It says: you need an administrator account. What's going on here? I can't access any option
4/ Every Hard Reset attempt will take me to "Automatic Repair" when I select Exit to start Windows 10, it will go back "Automatic Repair" as in a loop.

I need a serious solution.