Using LattePanda as a SPI BIOS Flasher

userHead BigNoob24 2019-05-18 13:50:59 4780 Views1 Replies
Hi guys, i have this lattepanda 2/32gb CR200 that i've been using as an home server and it's currently running Arch Linux.
I was wondering if i can use it as a SPI BIOS Flasher in order to neutralize the Intel ME of a z97 motherboard. I've located the MISO, MOSI and SCK pins on the board but i cannot find the CS (Chip Select) also called SS. From what i found online the integrated Arduino Leonardo doesn't have one, what can i do? Can i use another digital pin? For the SPI flashing can i use linux or should i put on a Win10 image? I don't seem to find a 3.3v pin on the board, can i power the bios chip with 5v without frying it or should i power it externally?
Thanks for the support and sorry for the large amount of noobish questions