LP Dela 432 BIOS reset USB port inactive no Keyboard Support

userHead nasserver 2019-05-28 03:56:08 6859 Views12 Replies
have set the settings in BIOS on UEFI. The board boot is slow and there seems to be no USB keyboard support. Thus you can not get into the bios and reset the settings back. IMG_20190520_1815368.jpg IMG_20190520_1815368.jpg (1.44 MiB) Viewed 4530 times The described methods to reset the bios unfortunately do not work.
I assumed that there is always a possibility of resetting the BIOS, as it is possible to get the initial values ​​on every modern board.
It will require documentation from the manufacturer, what differences the board Delta has to Alpha and how to reset the BIOS without sending the board to China.
It must be ensured in the bios that always the keyboard support is active and that you can just reset. The board is aimed at different players, so it must also be ensured that you can handle the board like any other Intel CPU board.

Please show a way on how the board can be used again. I have an M2 SSD here and would like to implement my mini NAS @lattepanda delta with debian.

Many Thanks