Re-installing Win 10 Crashes while getting devices ready

userHead JobK 2021-05-18 15:28:01 2642 Views2 Replies

I have a Latte Panda 4G/64G


It crashed while doing a windows update and Windows got damaged.
So I followed the instructions to reinstall windows from

After the image is copied and the latte panda restarts it crashes while windows is getting the devices ready (at 40%) and shuts down. I need to disconnect it from power to be able to reboot it. After rebooting there is a message that the computer restarted unexpectedly and then the device turns off again after 10/15 seconds.


I then need to disconnect the power again to be able to restart the panda. 
But then i'm getting a blue screen.....


I tried re-deploying the image but then i get stuck i a loop.
Has anybody a idee how i can get my Latte Panda working again?