TutorialLattePanda V1

[TUTORIAL] LattePanda V1 Bios Reflash

userHead Queena 2023-02-23 21:58:24 5361 Views2 Replies

The post is originally created by @Zzz5123. We reorganized the post for better reading. Let’s thank Zzz5123 for his contribution.


In this tutorial I will show you how to flash a bios chip. The bios can become corrupted for numerous reasons and prevent the board from booting. Usually this is what causes the “red light on no boot issue”. This tutorial will save your board!

What you need is a Bios programmer/writer with software
(And furthermore, this tool can also use to back up/copy the Bios original code. That means you can change the bios setting or hacking without worrying.)
Let’s begin.


Step 1, unplug all the cables on the board!
Step 2, Remove the shield cover.
The chip is on the back side, and LattePanda has a cover on it. The Bios IC is circled here:

IC Specification(It only refers to the LattePanda in the picture. Please check the model information on your BIOS IC carefully):
(NOTE: The BIOS IC could be w25q64(winbond) for different batches.)



Step 3
You can either desolder the bios IC or clamp it in to the programmer, or you can use a solderless clamp similar to the one below (It’s highly recommended because It’s so simple to use!!!) .

When you program your chip be sure you connect it the right way round. Pin 1 on the IC is marked with a dot.


Step 4
You need to download the right bios file from the official site. It is very important to match the right BIOS with your system architecture. Pls download right BIOS file for your LattePanda version.
In this case I used the 4GB 64GB version.
LattePanda V1 BIOS file

When the file is downloaded, find the bin file, e.g. “bios.bin”.

Step 5
Now, just plug your programmer in to a USB port on your PC and use the software of the bios programmer.
Open the programmer software. (For different programmer, different steps, just ask your vendor )

Select the manufacturer of the BIOS chip and select the right model.

Read the chip information ,and you can see some words if it still work (it’s messy code here, just leave it alone.Some mistake about the software)

Open and select the file downloaded from the official site of your bios.

After that, program the bios.

Step 6
After program and verify, remove the clip.
Plug into the power and wait like 10s ~ 1min, you can see the red LED will turn off as normal if you succeed. Then hold the start button, tada, you LP is reborn.
And it will take some time to start at first time almost few minutes. You may see it loop and loop
If you see the LED blinks or still turns on, try it again.


Good luck to everyone who wants to try!