How to prevent Vcore 1,70V

userHead Francois.Souvigny 2024-09-09 03:07:43 195 Views2 Replies

Hi everyone,


I finaly unpack my Lattepanda 3 Delta received from day one.


I unfortunately see Vcore=1,70V!!!


It's the same reading in Bios or under Windows with Hwinfo64.

Vid is correct, going from around 1,10v and going down when idle.
Vcore does not go under 1,62V (!).

Bios is now update, with no success with new default settings.

The all board consumme around 16-17W under Cinebench load.


I don't see profile in BIOS to respect Intel voltage recommendations, and prevent any damage by aligning Vcore on Vid?

I see a lot of "raw" settings in Bios, but I don't know wich one is here to prevent any overvolting, voltage shifting, or any crazy loadline calibration.


I can see Vcore ramping to 1,85v!!!! ouch


Thanks for you help,

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